I can't wait to help you fill your photo albums and the walls of your home with memories so you'll be able to tell the stories of your life and families.

I’ve always loved photographs. Looking through my grandmother’s family albums was always the highlight of my visit to my grandparents’ house. Those photos were my inspiration to document every detail of my life and of those around me. Hence my career choices: writer and photographer. (I tell stories all day, every day.)

I'm Heather.
It's nice to meet you!

So glad you're here!
“Life is like a camera. Just focus on what’s important and capture the good times, develop from the negatives, and if things don’t work out, just take another shot.” 


Get To Know Me
My favorite things

I'm the lucky mom of two fabulous daughters. Ileana is a dancer and Francesca a star on the lacrosse and softball fields. They keep me on my toes and amaze me with their awesomeness every day. 

01. My crazy girls

I'm a graduate of the University of Maryland, College Park, and even though it was more years ago then I care to count, I still love my alumna mater and route for the Terps every chance I get. (Especially the marching band. ;-))

02. Maryland Terps

I love the arts--musicals, plays, concerts. My dream job (after being a photographer) would be to work for an arts organization marketing their programming and performers. I try to get to Broadway as often as possible!

03. The arts

I absolutely love Halloween! I'm not so much into the scary aspect, more the occult, witches, vampires, werewolves type stuff. I also like the costumes; it's fun being someone (or something else) for a night!

04. Halloween

My love for photography led me to pursue this passion after I graduated from the University of Maryland and landed me on the doorstep of the Washington School of Photography. I learned a lot there shooting with a film SLR, developing black and white negatives, and exploring a variety of cameras and lighting. That training made me the photographer I am and is probably why I’m a little old school. It's true. I believe that deep down we all want the smiling posed picture to hang on the wall, BUT I also feel that the candid, true-to-life moments are what we really want to remember. So, when you work with me, you get a little bit traditional and a little bit photojournalistic--resulting in photos that truly see you.



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